Developing IIS7 modules and handlers with the .NET framework

Download: This article, the first in the IIS7 .NET Developer series, focuses on getting started with developing IIS7 web server features based on the .NET Framework.  This article will demonstrate: 1.       How to decide whether to develop an IIS7 module or an IIS7 handler. 2.       How to set up your development environment, with Visual Studio, Visual … [Read more…]

IIS Authentication plugin for the WordPress PHP blogging engine

Download: This weekend, I was working on an MSDN magazine article and as part of putting together a demo happened to install PHP’s WordPress blog app on IIS7.  Of course, I used the latest FastCGI bits available in the box in in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3, and the latest Windows-optimized PHP 5.2.3 build from … [Read more…]

IISSCHEMA.EXE – A tool to register IIS7 configuration sections

Download: A very cool aspect of IIS7’s end-to-end extensibility is the ability to define your own configuration sections for your custom web server modules and handlers, that reside in the standard IIS configuration files side by side with IIS configuration.  These configuration sections can then be read/written with all the standard IIS configuration APIs and … [Read more…]