In the past, I've blogged a number of times about using Visual Studio to develop and debug IIS 7.0 applications.
I am happy to say that Visual Studio 2008 has added a number of improvements to work better with IIS 7.0, making it a lot easier to use it to develop, deploy, and debug those applications both locally and on remote IIS 7.0 servers.
To help you get started with using Visual Studio 2008 to work with IIS 7.0 applications, I put together a new article precisely on the subject: Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0.
This article deals with some of the following topics:
– Using Visual Studio 2008 to create IIS 7.0 Web sites and applications
– Connecting to and publishing to remote IIS 7.0 web sites
– Setting up debugging on local and remote IIS 7.0 servers
If you would like a walk-though of bulding .NET modules and handlers for your IIS 7.0 server and ASP.NET Integrated pipeline applciations, see my other post here: Developing IIS7 modules and handlers with the .NET framework.
As always, feel free to leave feedback on the article, and definitely let me know if I have missed anything critical that you are trying to do.
In the past, I’ve blogged a number of times about using Visual Studio to develop and debug IIS 7.0 applications
thanks for sharing with us your article. It's a pleasure to read what you write.
Mike Volodarsky has put up a nice article about VS2008 and IIS 7.0 together. Check it out:
I’ve blogged quite a bit about using Visual Studio to develop and debug IIS 7.0 applications in the past. A few weeks back, I put together a detailed article about using Visual Studio 2008 to work with IIS 7.0 applications, collecting all the various
Hey Mike,
I left a message on the IIS 7blog, before I found this one. I decided to post a message here as well regarding my issue. I am getting the following error everytime I try and debug my web application. I was able to debug the application yesterday, but no luck today.
The error I receive is:
Unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server is not configured correctly. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.
I created a very simple application that had one page and one button. I added code to the event handler of the button click and tried to debug it. I received the same error. I am running IIS 7 on Vista. My application was written in VS 2008 (release candidate) on C#. I have done everything you indicated in your article and it still refuses to work. I have also attempted to restart IIS. I have also tried to turn off/on IIS through the “Turn Windows features” component and the issue persists.
At this point, I have run out of ideas and am thinking that I may need to reinstall everything. Do you have any ideas?
Don’t worry about it. I tried to uninstall again and this time it worked.
Hi there,
I have tried everything. I have installed what was mentioned (iis metabase config, etc) I run vs2008 as an administrator but when i try and create a website using local iis, i still get the infamous you must instsall the following and run as an administrator. Anyone had this problem?
Thanx You.. Perfect Docs
This is for Jen. I am currently experiencing the same error as you had. Could you please elaborate on how you managed to make it work?
i want to create a http website using & want to create a server & many clients connected in LAN such that any client can open the website.
plz tell me the steps to be followed.
awesome article
I like this examples!