Automatically diagnose every IIS and ASP.NET error in your sites

What if someone automatically diagnosed every error in your IIS site? It would probably help you quickly fix all the lingering bugs in your apps … and make a lot of your users really happy.  The hours you would save tracking down and figuring out that intermittent 500.19 error would probably make you really happy, … [Read more…]

Reliably uploading very large files with the Reliable Transfer Client

Its been a few months since the release of LeanServer ScaleUP, a high-performance upload engine for ASP.NET and other IIS 7.0 applications on the Windows Server 2008 platform. One of the things that has been interesting is how many people have trouble with uploads – and how varied their challenges really are. While we initially … [Read more…]

Enabling Fast, Reliable, and Super-Scalable Uploads in ASP.NET, ASP, and PHP applications

Uploads have always historically been a major pain point for web applications, due to poor performance, spotty reliability, and framework-specific limitations. As more and more websites rely on social networking, user generated content, and in general storing data in the cloud, the ability to support reliable and scalable uploads is rapidly becoming more critical than … [Read more…]

Brief History of Web Uploads

The upload support in the Microsoft web platform has come quite a long way since the early days of IIS. Unfortunately, a number of remaining limitations have made it difficult to offer a quality upload experience, especially for high-traffic sites. As more and more websites rely on user generated content, and in general storing data … [Read more…]

Workaround for using IIS 7 url authorization with ASP.NET roles

When using the IIS 7.0 Integrated pipeline, you gain access to a ton of cool scenarios where IIS and ASP.NET features work together to provide value for your application – regardless of the application content. Most of these features involve using ASP.NET features (e.g.Forms Authentication) to provide their services for non-ASP.NET content.  These have been … [Read more…]

When to restart IIS when making changes to your application

Knowing when to restart IIS to pick up various types of changes to your application has traditionally been a challenge. IIS and ASP.NET are both stateful software systems, which heavily rely on cached state that is loaded once to provide high performance.  They also recognize the downside of being stateful – having to refresh the … [Read more…]

IconHandler 2.0: file icons in your ASP.NET applications

Since its release, IconHandler has been a pretty popular module (on its own and with the custom DirectoryListingModule).  Today, I am releasing v2.0 of IconHandler, which contains some much-requested functionality and fixes a few issues that people have reported with the original version. (I don’t RTFM, take me to download) Here are the notable changes … [Read more…]

Creating portable ASP.NET applications that work on IIS 6.0, IIS 7.0 Classic, and IIS 7.0 Integrated modes

ASP.NET applications in IIS 7.0 Integrated mode requires configuration changes if they define custom modules or handlers. The primary changes involve moving the module and handler configuration from the ASP.NET’s <httpModules> and <httpHandlers> sections to the IIS 7.0 <modules> and <handlers> sections used by the Integrated pipeline.   However, <modules> and <handlers> are not recognized … [Read more…]

MSDN Magazine: Enhance Your Applications with ASP.NET Integrated Pipeline!

This month, the Enhance Your Apps With the Integrated ASP.NET Pipeline article is finally out in MSDN Magazine.  I just got several copies in the mail (thanks Howard!). ****** UPDATE: Scott Hanselman presents the demos from this article at CodeMash 2008 ****** To be honest, I am VERY excited about this article.  I’ve been talking … [Read more…]