It's official 🙂 According to a survey conducted by InformationWeek, IIS 7.0 is the feature that most interests customers in Windows Server 2008.
Needless to say, there is a lot of great technology coming out in Windows Server 2008, which is why it is one of the most eagerly anticipated products in Microsoft history. But, its great to know that IIS 7.0 is a top feature that customers look to in the release.
Part of the reason for this is that production hosting of web facing applications, be they normal web applications or web services, is the number one use of server technology today. We have definitely been seeing this for a while with beta releases of Windows Server 2008, with the Web server role being by far the leading role in server deployments according to TAP program and Software Quality Metrics data.
After 4 years of working tirelessly on IIS 7.0, I can't wait for IIS 7.0 to be released into the hands of customers, and witness the impact it is going to have!
According to an InformationWeek study, IIS 7.0 is the feature that most interests customers in Windows
According to an InformationWeek study, IIS 7.0 is the feature that most interests customers in Windows
Mike Volodarsky , Program Manager of the IIS team has a nice link to share – a survey by InformationWeek