Turbo-charge your PHP applications with IIS FastCGI Technical Preview 2

After 3 months of community feedback and development, the FastCGI Techical Preview 2 has just been released!  Before I jump into the juicy details, I want to thank everyone who has tried out the original release, and given us bug and feature feedback on the FastCGI forums.  This has been incredibly valuable in driving the … [Read more…]

Get nice looking directory listings for your IIS website with DirectoryListingModule

*************************************************(NEW) Update – 2/1/09:Clarified installation instructions (see post).Fixed bugs: – Occasional icons missing / icons missing during heavy load due to MTA problems with SHGetFileInfo (http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=337530) – Directory listing template has broken icons in some configurations *************************************************Update – 4/26/08:IconHandler 2.0 released. Use IconHandler to build your own directory listing, or any other app that needs file icons. **************************************************  Do you … [Read more…]

Display pretty file icons in your ASP.NET applications with IconHandler

*************************************************Update – 4/26/08:IconHandler 2.0 released.  **************************************************Update – 1/20/2007: Use the IconHandler in conjunction with the DirectoryListingModule to set up a nice-looking directory listing for your IIS website, or create a your own directory listing template.************************************************** Do you like file icons?  I do.  They make it pretty easy to visually digest file lists in Windows,  when … [Read more…]

You can actually download the hotlinking blocker module now

Apparently, my previous post of the LeechGuard hot-linking prevention module ended up with broken download and image links.  No-one could download the module, and on my home network I could see it just fine.  The funniest thing is that I found out about this from an internal email forward that referenced this module, and stated … [Read more…]

Fix problems with Visual Studio F5 debugging of ASP.NET applications on IIS7 Vista

********************************************************************** UPDATE – 4/8/2008 I’ve collected the various how-tos and gotchas about using Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0 applications into two detailed articles:Using Visual Studio 2005 with IIS 7.0Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0Be sure to check them out for detailed info on working with both local and remote IIS … [Read more…]

IIS7 modules vs. IIS6 ISAPI: Managing request state in your module

For post #4 in the IIS7 Modules vs. IIS6 ISAPI series, let’s take a look at another common pattern in IIS module development – storing request-specific state inside your module. When developing a module that participates in request processing, it is often necessary to store request-specific state that the module computes in one stage of … [Read more…]

The self-hosted journey is finally coming to an end

After several months with GoDaddy’s QuickBlog, I am finally moving over to a self-hosted IIS7 server running Community Server. Today marks the final milestone of the move – switching the GoDaddy’s nameservers for www.mvolo.com to point to the dynamic DNS nameservers of www.zoneedit.com.  Here is the new setup: Windows “Longhorn” Server running the IDX 1 … [Read more…]

Check network service connectivity with PortChecker tool

If you are unable to connect to a particular TCP service, such as a web server, ftp server, or anything else, you may be experiencing a number of both network and service connectivity problems: The hostname you typed in cannot be resolved The ip address of the server is not reachable due to network connectivity … [Read more…]

Before the flight: Native Output Cache, PHP and FastCGI, and other stuff

I am sitting on a stack of juicy topics I’ve been meaning to post about, but I ran out of time taking care of last minute business before leaving the office for the long-awaited Thanksgiving vacation. So, in the meantime, here are some interesting stuff to check out: IIS7’s Native Output Cache – Kanwal, our … [Read more…]

Stopping hot-linking with IIS and ASP.NET

Many web sites suffer from others directly linking to their image, video and other content. This practice is called often called leeching, hot-linking, or inline-linking and causes wasted bandwidth and increased server load to the victim web site. Last weekend, I wrote a little ASP.NET module that prevents hot linking. It can be used on … [Read more…]