IIS Authentication plugin for the WordPress PHP blogging engine

Download: iisauth_wordpress_v1.zip This weekend, I was working on an MSDN magazine article and as part of putting together a demo happened to install PHP’s WordPress blog app on IIS7.  Of course, I used the latest FastCGI bits available in the box in in Windows Server 2008 Beta 3, and the latest Windows-optimized PHP 5.2.3 build from … [Read more…]

IISSCHEMA.EXE – A tool to register IIS7 configuration sections

Download: iisschema.zip A very cool aspect of IIS7’s end-to-end extensibility is the ability to define your own configuration sections for your custom web server modules and handlers, that reside in the standard IIS configuration files side by side with IIS configuration.  These configuration sections can then be read/written with all the standard IIS configuration APIs and … [Read more…]

Troubleshoot IIS7 errors like a pro

So you just moved your application to an IIS7 server, and now you are getting an error when you make a request to it.  This seems to be a popular theme on IIS.NET forums these days, and after answering a hundred or so of these posts, I figured I should do something to help people … [Read more…]

Anatomy of an IIS7 configuration path

If you have worked with IIS6 and previous versions of IIS, you are most likely familiar with the IIS metabase paths.  You know, the ones that look like LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT.  These metabase paths serve as a mechanism to identify a part of the IIS website hierarchy, or a url therein, for the purposes of read/writing their … [Read more…]

Creating IIS7 sites, applications, and virtual directories

In the course of IIS7 development, the team and I have answered an infinity of questions about IIS7 on any possible topic imaginable.Ironically, neither I nor anyone else I know on the team has ever answered the most basic question – what is the minimum set of steps necessary to get a website running with … [Read more…]

At last, Visual Studio patch for F5 debugging on Windows Vista has been released

A Visual Studio patch that fixes the Visual Studio F5 debugging of IIS7 applications on Windows Vista Home Premium and above has been released!  This patch solves the “An authentication error occurred while communicating with the web server.  Please see Help for assistance.”, and “Debugging failed because integrated Windows authentication is not enabled.  Please see … [Read more…]

Do complex IIS management tasks easily with AppCmd command piping

As much as I hate to re-post someone else’s content, I’ve been real busy in the past few weeks and havent had a chance to post new stuff – and today I saw Kanwal’s post on a very near and dear subject of mine: AppCmd command pipelining. Things you can do by piping appcmd commands … [Read more…]

The latest on the FastCGI project and PHP support on IIS

Ever since the original release of FastCGI Tech Preview 1, and the Microsoft/Zend collaboration announcement to bring production-quality PHP to IIS, the FastCGI project has been steadily gaining momentum in the community.   With the release of Longhorn Server Beta 3, a number of hosters are beginning to offer FastCGI-powered PHP support on top of their … [Read more…]

Redirect requests to your application with the HttpRedirection module

Download: HttpRedirection_v1_source.zip The HttpRedirection module allows you to configure regular expression-based rules that redirect clients from url A to url B using http redirection. When clients make a request to your server, and the url matches one of the redirection rules you have configured, the server will respond with a redirection response, telling the client to … [Read more…]

Redirect clients in your application with HttpRedirection module

Download: HttpRedirection_v1_sampleapp.zip In a web application, it’s often necessary to redirect clients requesting one url to another url.  Here are some reasons why your application may need to do it: ·         A part of your site should only be accessed over HTTPS to protect private data, so you want to redirect requests made over HTTP to … [Read more…]